Tuesday, May 29, 2012

One more home study module to push

For those that don't know, I just scored 100% in module 4. I have already given myself a large pat on the back for being brilliant.

I spent last week at The Wensleydale School in Leyburn, near Catterick, doing my 5 day secondary school observation period. Far from being frightened off, I had a really lovely time getting involved in the lessons - I even taught a little bit - and getting to know the kids and teachers.

I was struck by 3 things:
1) Kids are pretty thick and wear too many accessories
2) I have a great deal more knowledge than your average science teacher (unless we're talking physics, in which case I am also a thicko)
3) Having a biology degree too makes me more versatile and hence more employable .....to all you posh schools with horses and swimming pools.....PICK ME!

I also noticed that amost nothing I have learned in my course so far was included in the GCSE syllabus that the school was using, and that basically the teachers wing it on a daily basis. It sounds perfect!

So I have now completed 4 out of 6 modules, with the last being taught at university over a 2 week period. This means that I only have 1 more module to complete at home before 22nd June, so if I'm good and work hard then I can have a week or two off before I have to travel to Sussex to finish it off. All my course feedback so far has been excellent (naturally) and I've been enjoying it - not the late nights and weekend study, but in general the subject has been interesting and straightforward.

That is until now....organic chemistry is the one thing I remember from A-level as being really complicated and I have a stack of print-outs about 2 inches high, which is about double a normal module. But still, I can't see that I can possibly fail now...can I?!

Mostly I just can't wait to have a weekend off with nothing to do. My cleaners have been a real boost and my husband has been making himself very useful in the kitchen (he even washed my car for me - what a saint!) yet I still find I am running around like a headless chicken with very little free time. This is not only due to the coursework, but also because we have been spending Saturdays driving around choosing things to go in our new house, like floors and bathrooms. I think we have about 12 samples of engineered oak flooring in the dining room in different shades and textures, along with as many catalogues for kitchens, bathrooms, log burners, doors, door furniture (snigger) etc, but we're nearly finished. I think it will be tiles next. And then paint. Ugh.

I have, however, treated myself to a few presents with my bursary money:
1) A new watch (I changed the battery in the last one and the back wouldn't stay on and I had to use superglue, but then I have had it for 10 years)
2) Some shoes (for summertime at work)
3) Some new clothes (ditto)
4) A pair of limited edition GHD straighteners in red (beautiful and practical).

All in all I've done pretty well. Now all I have to do is shed the 1/2 stone I've put on through not doing much exercise and eating chocolate (who says study is all bad?!) in time for Richard's wedding. But with all the free time I'm just about to have, that shouldn't be too hard. Not as hard as learning chemistry anyway.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


....I can't actually believe that it's been two weeks since I last posted on here. I've completed module 3 with 95% (but the test was very, very easy) and have broken the back of the home study modules with only two left to do before my two weeks at university.

One of the stranger things I have to write at the end of each module is called a 'Reflection', in which I have a side of A4 to review the results of the various tests I have to take and compare them at the start and finish of each module, and 'reflect' up on my learning style and studying ability. It's the last part that I have had trouble with...I spent 4 years at university studying, and aside from a few minor (rather obvious) suggestions such as making sure I set aside time when I won't be disturbed, writing crib cards etc, I'm pretty sure that my study technique is top notch (cue sound of one blowing one's trumpet).

For my last 'reflection' I wrote about trying to think more about my thought processes while I am learning, to try to capture them on paper and simplify them so that another person could read my notes and come to the same conclusions that I did.

Now....does anyone have any ideas for what I can put in the next two 'reflections'? I feel I'm scraping the barrel here and have all but run out of ideas. 3 sets of 2 'study targets' needed please.

Module 4 is all about kinetics and equilibria, which means maths with a little bit of physics thrown in. I don't think I'm going to like this one very much and my calculator has been enjoying his rest at the bottom of my 'school bag'. I have a large pile of powerpoint notes to use in conjunction with my video study - the size of which is already depressing me despite the fact that I print them off for free at work. No hang on, that actually does make me feel a little bit better. Free stuff does cheer one up somewhat.

I have also been busy picking doors and handles and a kitchen and flooring and all sorts for the new house. I swear that Darryl never stops working. He is also a complete slave driver, so if anyone wants to pick a wood burning stove plus fire surround plus mantelpiece plus tiles for the utility room floor plus tiles for a kitchen splashback and some carpets and kitchen flooring and what colour render and.....and breathe......then please do. Really. Do.