Monday, February 13, 2012

Nearly there...I hope...

Three and a half weeks ago, I was supposed to have had an answer within 4 days. Then I had to prove my nationality, in case I might be a foreign student, and was promised a reply within a week.

I spoke to the University on Friday, three weeks and one day after my interview. Yes, I actually managed to speak to a real life person, and not write to an email address. I have been promised an answer by the end of Monday, but if I have not heard anything by Wednesday then I have to phone back.

Let's run that one again:

Promised an answer by the end of Monday (today), but phone back if I haven't heard anything by Wednesday. Right.

The only plus point I have is that "you must know your interview was positive".

Actually, no I don't. And I need to know whether I have to juggle 3 months of distance learning with a full time job, largely absent (during daylight hours) husband and a small child. And whether I need to track down a Windows computer (boo, hiss) in order to complete said distance learning package. And I also have to have 5 full days in a secondary school science department before September if I am successful, which I need to organise and complete before the summer holidays start.

All in all, I'm pretty ticked off. And bored of waiting.

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